Fun Stuff

Absaroke Native American Cut-paper Illustration

2′ x 3′ poster of a sheep in the style of Native American Crow Civilization art using only shades/tints of black and white paper.

Three Rabbits Gouache Illustration

One of my favorite design school assignments was to paint 27 rabbits. These were the three best.

God Poster

I found a copy of an old “children’s” bible and in it, the story went that Noah was so fed up with being on the ark for so long that after the flood, he planted grapes, made wine and got drunk. This would have been my church quiz…

Sunset Over Water

Cut-paper Illustration

Matty, my under-sea alter ego

Tiny sketch from an illustration class that makes me smile. I think I was working out the composition on the page for several views of this character.

Poster Concept for Wicked

Fun illustrated type version of a poster concept I tried for a Wicked Marquee poster.